Paul M. Nipper

Protection Designer, Portland

Years in the Industry:

Years at Viking:

Favorite sports team: “Give them bread and circuses, they will never revolt” Juvenal

Favorite Viking Project: CHS Kalama Grain Terminal

Best sprinkler skill: Complex, industrial, retrofit --- you know the stuff that has VIKING written all over it!

Spirit Animal: Ssssssnake

Secret Talent: Writing and speaking. Whether on camera or microphone, or in print, I was granted the gift of using language to express myself rather well.

Defining Characteristic: I am a spiritual Being, temporarily in this human experience.

Favorite food: Thai!!

Hobbies: Raising kids / being a Dad… not a hobby but I’ve been at it for 23 years now, and have 14 or so to go… I better like it! Organic gardening, hanging out with friends and family, camping, spiritual retreats with family / the Tribe, writing, and deep philosophical discussions and Spirituality with fellow Church members: the conversation never ends… WHO are we, WHY are we here… what does it all mean.